Friday, August 28, 2015

Tilapia, It's What's For Dinner

Tonight I picked up a fresh fillet from the Safeway seafood dept.  (I have mentioned this grocery chain so often I feel like they should be paying me!)  Dad had said that he was in the mood for fish.  I researched and fish is a perfect soft food diet option.  It is low in fat and rich in so many other ways.  I pan sautéed the fish in EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and per his request lightly floured with Wondra.  I also added to one side a seafood spice mix that we keep on hand when having crabs.  It turned out perfect!  It was fluffy and tender and the man cleared his plate!  I also added a side of sautéed spinach, pulsed for a moment in the Bullet, of course.  His dessert was vanilla pudding made from whole milk with vanilla wafers in it. 
It has been a great day overall and lovely to end with a satisfying meal.  


  1. Hello Tiffany Jo, This is so great that you are keeping a blog and keeping us all updated. Thank you! Tell my little buddy I said Hello and give him a big hug from me,
    I have been thinking of him daily, I have been so worried about him and now feel better reading your daily blog and to hear how good he is doing and how well he is eating that is great. Keeping you all in my prayers Love ya

  2. Thanks Darla! It is tempting to write about more than the food sometimes and maybe I will add a little more here and there. Yesterday we took the snowblower in to get a belt replaced so that it will be ready for use this winter. We are talking about what will be planted where next is just so nice to make these future plans together! We will see how radiation goes, but we pray that it is no big deal - gotta hope!

  3. About the vanilla pudding-if I am not mistaken, you could put a teaspoon or so of the bulk stuff in anything you mix up like a pudding etc. This way, you are quietly adding about a gazillion calories.....and it will enhance the flavor without over powering the main dish?

    1. Thanks for that reminder Aunt Jo. If I can mix it in somewhere else, he can drink less and feel he is getting away with something. I am looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. I'm sure the news either way will make the blog...

  4. Oh and what Darla said! We all feel the same!!!!! Thanks again!!!! The more we can hear the much more better we feel in our hearts and souls..................:)
