Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Corn Pudding

IF anyone HAS to get cancer, I would wish that they would receive the kind of love and care that we have.  Before undergoing surgery we were given a cookbook by our nutritionist which I began to cook through while we awaited our approaching surgery date.   One of the recipes that was a hit then was corn pudding.  It is super easy with only a few ingredients.  Best of all it is pretty soft and fluffy...think soufflé!
Dad is doing as well as can be expected, better even in some peoples opinion.  We are halfway through week 2 out of 6 weeks of radiation.  He seems to be tolerating his situation and still enjoying life everyday.  I wish that we were all as fortunate! 
UPDATED: Upon removal of the dish from the oven and a tasting by yours truly, I try to taste everything as though I too were on the soft food diet, I found the whole kernel still retained its shape and crunch.  Don't get me wrong, it is yummy, but I am hoping when he is ready to eat it the kernels will have softened a bit.  Otherwise I suppose swallowing a few corn kernels won't be the end of the world...


  1. Huh, I wonder how the corn retained texture? I am so pleased you try it all before he gets it! Sort of like when you tasted all the stuff you fed your kids, remember? Ah life goes full circle....:)

  2. It is a favorite dish of mine now and dad did pick at it. He has so many food choices, hard to hone in on just did soften a bit upon standing!

  3. I am sorry I can not think of things to fix!!! I only think of corn bread dipped in bean soup. Hey do you know what "mush" is? Ask Audie. Mother used to make it I hated it but everyone else liked it. I just remember it is "mushy" soft, and tasted icky. They used to eat pickled pigs feet too!!!! Ewwww.

    Ask him about the mush.
